If Invested Calculator

What if you invested $1000 in Tesla 5 years ago? Calculate your potential returns instantly with our free investment calculator. Try different scenarios with stocks like Apple, Amazon, and more!

Popular Investment Scenarios

Ready to Rewrite Your Investment Story?

Pick a legendary stock, set your dream timing, and see the life-changing numbers. Your alternate investment timeline is just a few clicks away.

Imagine you had perfect timing...

How much would you have invested?

Which legendary symbol would you pick?

Enter a stock symbol (e.g., AAPL, GOOGL, MSFT)

When was the perfect moment you missed?

Your Alternate Timeline

Watch your investment story unfold in an alternate universe.

Your investment story will appear here

How to Calculate Stock Returns


Enter your investment amount

Start with any amount, like $1000 or $10000


Choose your stock

Enter any stock symbol (AAPL, TSLA, AMZN) or index fund


Set your investment date

Pick any historical date or time period


See your potential returns

Get instant results based on real historical data

Investment Calculator Features

Calculate Stock Growth Over Time

See how much $1000 would grow if invested in popular stocks like Apple, Tesla, or Amazon. Perfect for analyzing historical returns.

Monthly Investment Calculator

Simulate regular investments with our dollar cost averaging calculator. See how investing $200 monthly in S&P 500 or any stock could grow.

Historical Stock Returns

Track investment performance with real historical data. Perfect for analyzing past market movements and planning future investments.

Investment Calculator FAQ

What is an If Invested Calculator?

Our If Invested Calculator helps you discover how much money you could have made if you invested in stocks at any point in the past. Whether you're curious about Apple, Tesla, or any other stock, our tool uses real historical data to show you potential returns.

How accurate is the investment return simulation?

Our calculator uses actual historical stock data, including stock splits and dividends, to provide accurate calculations. You can trust our results to make informed investment decisions.

Can I calculate returns for monthly investments?

Yes! Our calculator supports dollar cost averaging simulations. You can calculate returns for daily, weekly, monthly, or annual investments in any stock or index fund.

What stocks can I calculate returns for?

You can calculate returns for any publicly traded stock, including popular ones like Apple (AAPL), Tesla (TSLA), Amazon (AMZN), and market indices like the S&P 500 (SPY).

How do I use the investment calculator?

Simply enter your investment amount (e.g., $1000), choose a stock symbol (e.g., AAPL for Apple), select your investment date, and see how much your investment would be worth today. You can also simulate regular investments with our dollar cost averaging feature.